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  • Buyer journeys are independent of your sales funnel, which is why so much of those journeys is hidden. But there's a way to be there when they set off on their journey. You just need to see the signals.

  • Not every conversion means making a sale—especially in B2B, where every customer goes on a long journey before deciding whether to buy. That journey is made up of micro-conversions. This article provides more information about identifying and tracking them.

  • There may be no magic bullet for increasing lead generation, but tweaking your marketing content can still boost the response to it—and improve lead quality. Here are six easy ways to do that.

  • This recent infographic from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions explores how focusing on both brand and demand marketing can drive exceptional performance for marketers.

  • Let's face it: your newsletter is probably completely pants. (That's British for "rubbish.") A good newsletter—one that builds an ingroup and makes readers feel part of something valuable and important—is a fantastic long-term nurture tool. Learn how to make yours better by combining some fundamental dos and don'ts with a little bit of behavioral science. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Data-Driven: A Definition

    Master Class Lesson

    For more than a decade, marketers have thrown around the term "data-driven." But what does that even mean? It's not just being a report monkey, nor is it simply iterating specific tactics based on last month's lag indicators. Kenda Macdonald breaks it all down in this quick and dirty lesson.

  • Building With Data in Mind

    Master Class Lesson

    Data, data, everywhere, but which metrics measure? From click-through rates to monetary return, discover which you should prioritize. Learn marketers' most common mistakes, what you should do instead, and the metrics that matter. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Your CMO, CTO, and CFO all want to know: are you investing in the right automation system? Instructor Kenda Macdonald says, "which is the best marketing automation platform?" is one of the most common questions she hears, and it's not simple to answer when you have 8,000 MarTech choices. This lesson covers how to identify your needs so you can choose the platform that's best for you. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • In this "Put it to Work" lesson, you'll get your hands dirty under the hood of your demand generation machine by diving into lead magnet signup forms. You'll learn which fields you should include on your forms, when to use traditional progressive profiling, and how to get it all up and running. While this lesson walks you through the process using Hubspot, you do not need to use Hubspot as your automation platform to benefit from this lesson; most MAPs work similarly.

  • Don't be intimidated by the prospect of creating your first short-term nurture series (or at least your first seriously effective series). In this "Put it to Work" lesson, instructor Kenda Macdonald walks you through email templates proven to engage, provide value, and move consumers forward. While this lesson walks you through the process using Hubspot, you do not need to use Hubspot as your automation platform to benefit from this lesson; most MAPs work similarly. (This lesson includes templates listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • They say you only have one chance to make a first impression, and when it comes to demand generation automation, that first chance is your welcome campaign. This "Put it to Work" lesson gets into the nitty-gritty of how to do that, with templates designed to introduce, differentiate, and control the frame. While this lesson walks you through the process using Hubspot, you do not need to use Hubspot as your automation platform to benefit from this lesson; most MAPs work similarly. (This lesson includes templates listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • This "Put it to Work" session takes you into the nuts and bolts of creating messages that work and getting your campaigns running with perfect timing toward your destination—conversions. While this lesson walks you through the process using Hubspot, you do not need to use Hubspot as your automation platform to benefit from this lesson; most MAPs work similarly. (This lesson includes templates listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Join Kenda Macdonald for her Master Class: The Secret to My (Demand Gen) Success. In 22 bite-sized lessons, you'll learn how to combine marketing automation, buyer psychology, and content marketing to improve your demand gen programs immediately.

  • Demand generation marketers are accountable for the entire purchase journey, from attracting interest through conversion (and even after). In this lesson, you'll learn the three critical components needed for demand gen success—behavior, life cycle marketing, and content—and how to pull them together into a demand generation automation strategy designed to achieve your goals.

  • The buyer's mind isn't a mystery. (It's true! There's research!) This lesson on buyer psychology covers what's happening in the buyer's brain during their purchase journey. Because once you understand how consumers think and what increases reward activation, you can start formulating an evidence-based demand generation approach.

  • Life Cycle Marketing: A Framework

    Master Class Lesson

    If you want to succeed at demand generation automation, you can't just tackle a little awareness here and a smidge of deal closing there. In this lesson, you'll learn a framework for planning the entire purchase journey, touching the four components of life cycle marketing—attract, engage, sell, and wow. Get ready to maximize customer lifetime value (CLV).

  • Content is the lifeblood of your demand gen automation program. But odds are there are things you're not getting right. Learn why content is so important to demand generation automation, how to use it to move consumers through the awareness stages, and which content programs work the best for each life cycle marketing phase.

  • The Ultimate Automation Journey

    Master Class Lesson

    How do you combine the key elements of the demand generation automation journey—buyer psychology, life cycle marketing, and content—into a program that delivers results? In this lesson, instructor Kenda Macdonald shares how to do that using her award-winning, 10-step blueprint for creating a world-class automation journey.

  • Creating an effective content plan is all about understanding and catering to the buyer's awareness stages—unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, and most aware. This lesson digs into each awareness stage and how to use them when planning your attract and engage content. (This lesson includes a worksheet listed under "Supplementary Resources.")

  • Attract and Engage: Lead Magnets

    Master Class Lesson

    Believe it or not, a lead magnet isn't just top-of-funnel content for lead generation. You can (and should) use them throughout the sales process to demonstrate your authority, educate your consumers, and increase lead quality. In this lesson, you'll learn what makes a good lead magnet, what types of content and offers work as lead magnets for top-, middle-, and bottom-of-funnel activities, and where buyer psychology fits in.