
Topic: Copywriting

Headline For Sales Letter

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I’m sending a letter to health care profs. in regards to an internal marketing system. I need a powerful headline. These are some of the benefits of my internal marketing system:
1. Internal marketing secret can grow your annual income by as much as $200,000.00 with no additional investment.
2. Discover insider tips on selling more large cases.
3. Using this internal marketing system you can outwit and outpace your competitors.
4. Grow in a big way fast, without incurring a lot of expenses.
5. Quickest and most-effective way for you to increase the number of truly motivated patients at your practice.
Thank you very much,
Frank P.
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  • Posted on Member

    Maybe you can clarify this a bit. Are you selling a way health care folks can market their existing business (reach more customers) - or giving them a product to add to their business?

    Health care is a HUGE field. Are you targeting MDs? Nurses?
    Allied health pros? Execs of large organizations?

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Not much feedback yet for some very important questions...I thought this was urgent.

    I think you're facing an uphill battle in marketing to this crowd. Most healthcare professionals (at least those from traditional backgrounds) are people of science and fact, so outlandish claims of boosting incomes by $200,000 may be seen as more hype than realistic.

    I also don't think the whole "insider" angle is going to resonate well.

    This kind of hot copy might work with consumers about health and wealth matters, but I don't see it flying with healthcare professionals.

    I also don't think letters to these people are a good use of your funds. These people are being marketed to by everyone, and I think you'll have a hard time breaking through by direct mail.

  • Posted by RapollaGroup on Accepted

    Sounds like you are referring to using a marketing system designed to take health care professionals patient database and generate quality retention, i.e. paying patients that prove loyal and come back to them.

    Like a dentist, or chiropractor, or pediatrician, these types can get frequent one time patients looking for an initial opinion but may never come back for treatment.

    I agree with the opinion that the consumer/retail type claims will not resonate well to these types. Although I do believe you can get results with direct mail.

    It will take more than a headline. And the headline needs to direct the letter.

    Take a look at Question Bases Selling by Tom Freese. Good approach method in that book.

    Also, consider providing your service for free for a couple of local professionals so once they see the results you can leverage their testimony and credability coupled with validatable results.

    Use those elements in the headline like:

    Learn how the XYX marketing system increased patient retension by 50% and increased billable treatment by $23,250 in 60 days without a single new patient!

    Craft your letter to be more in the form of a Case Study.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Barry A Densa on Member
    Discover what the internal, critical conversation these health care providers are having in relation to the benefits you are providing.

    What keeps them up at night?

    What are their beliefs and fears regarding the problem you're proposing to solve.

    Don't try and sell these people... talk to them, one professional to another... begin a dialogue.

    With B2B it's rarely a 1-step process.

    So don't try and sell them in the headline -- your headline should join the conversation they're already having.

  • Posted on Member
    Hi Frank!!
    well headlines trigger customer’s attention and basically that what motivates prospective customers to read the body. This is a fact and we all are aware of it. While stating the headline you may want to be straight forward, simple and concise. There are various effective methods such as formulating the headline to be in an open ended- question form. You may need to spend lil time on it!!!

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