
Topic: Copywriting

How To Write Effective Letter

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
effective sales hints
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The answer is: Yes. (What was the queston?)

    Suggest you visit: That's the website for Communication Fitness. They can help you write an effective letter.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Read some of the MarketingProfs articles on this subject. Use the "Article Archives" link way at the bottom of this page, or try putting SALES LETTER in the Search box at the top of the page.

    And before you post another question here, take a minute to read the Important Guidelines for this forum. Yeesh.
  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    Ask the right questions! The more specific you are about what you want to achieve with your letter, the benefits / unique selling point(s) of your product, who you are targeting and why they should buy from you are just the first questions you should be asking, if you repost with that information the quality of your answers here will improve, and you will already be more focused in your own mind. One general tip, write LESS about you and what you do, and more about your customer and the benefits of your product/service to them.

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