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Crash Course #8: Email - The Power Channel in Direct Marketing Today

Regina Brady
Thu., Feb 15, 2007, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 5 star(s)

Email is alive and well as an effective direct marketing channel. Recent statistics from the DMA show that email has the highest ROI of any direct marketing channel. It is a major factor in driving traffic to Web sites for many marketers and should only continue to grow in importance to your organization.

Email direct marketing is a proven, cost-effective way to acquire new customers, generate sales and increase customer spending. Both business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketers use it effectively. Permission-based email is not only here to stay, it’s become a driving force behind the way companies communicate with prospects and customers.

You won’t want to miss The Power of Email Direct Marketing — an insightful look at this thriving marketing communications channel.


Regina Brady is on the forefront of today’s phenomenally profitable interactive marketing field. A frequent spokesperson for the power of email marketing, Reggie is President of her own e-marketing and direct marketing consultancy, Reggie Brady Marketing Solutions.

Who Should Attend?

Marketing professionals seeking to build fresh skills in direct marketing.

This seminar is eighth in our 10-seminar "DM Crash Course" series that continues through March 2007. (Premium Plus members: You can access the first seven topics now in our Seminar Library.)

What Will You Learn?

  • Why e-mail is still one of the most powerful marketing mediums
  • Benchmarks and metrics for email success
  • Online and offline techniques to use to grow you list of email addresses
  • The two factors that matter most in getting your emails opened
  • Copy and design essentials that resonate with recipients
  • Email for prospecting or retention? What’s the sweet spot?
  • Examples from consumer and business marketers

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