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  • GDPR goes into effect in two months, but most US companies are not prepared. Here are seven questions marketers should be asking themselves and their companies to ensure compliance—and avoid fines.

  • "GDPR" has been a buzzword lately, but it's an important one. Failure to comply with new European data regulations—even if your business is US-based—could mean serious consequences.

  • GDPR may seem like a burden, but it helps us marketers think Customer First. Here's how to make sure you not only comply with GDPR's regulatory requirements but also provide customers what they need.

  • In less than three months, "California's GDPR"—the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)—will be come into effect. How are those data-privacy regulations similar, and how are they different? And do you need to comply? Here's what marketers need to know.

  • Lisa Loftis of analytics software company SAS updates marketers on the General Data Privacy Regulation ('GDPR') and offers advice on how to keep your data collection activities legal.

  • The deadline for GDPR compliance is fast approaching. Are you prepared? This infographic explains the goals of the General Data Protection Regulation and gives companies a road map for becoming compliant.

  • The specter of the General Data Protection Regulation has loomed large. With GDPR taking effect next year, efforts to comply with the new regulations should already be well underway. That's simply not the case at many companies, however.

  • The General Data Protection Regulation is about to go into effect, but many marketers are still unprepared for it. Here's a checklist for digital marketers to make sure they comply with the pending regulation's provisions.

  • Phew, you survived GDPR! Time to relax and... wait, what? The California Consumer Privacy Act was recently passed? Here's how marketers can get ahead of the competition by preparing for the new legislation that goes into effect in 2020.

  • In three weeks, on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), goes into effect. As a result, for the first time, US businesses will be subject to a far stricter set of privacy regulations in-country.

  • Most consumers in the United States would welcome personal data protection rights similar to those established last year by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), according to recent research from SAS.

  • Without easy-to-follow guidelines, it's hard to ensure proper CCPA compliance, including the involvement of those (internally and externally) who have a role to play in compliance. So, if you feel behind or lost, or you don't know what to feel about CCPA, this article should help.

  • If your data practices are GDPR-compliant, you don't have to worry, right? But marketing technologies and techniques that use consumer data for targeting and personalization can still put you in a bind.

  • "Customer participation" is sometimes used interchangeably with "customer engagement," but the former is so much more than the latter. In today's competitive business landscape, customer participation trumps customer engagement. Here's why the time to invest in customer participation is now.

  • The changes made to your email list as you prepped for GDPR will likely impact your email metrics. Here's how you can review and reset your benchmarks.

  • GDPR's new consent standards will compel marketers to do what they need to be doing anyway: get to know and serve their customers better. Here are four ways to transform restrictive processes into strategic customer-relationship opportunities.

  • Half of marketers say the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law will make their marketing efforts more difficult, according to recent research from Act-On.

  • In the new year, a combination of technology advances, organizational cultural shifts, and buyer-behavior changes will push B2B marketing in new directions. Here are four trends that will start to mature in 2018.

  • You knew this article was coming: the hottest SEO trends for the year ahead. Some of these trends you've already seen this year, and some are new, but we can definitely expect to see more of all of them in 2019. Check them out to prepare your SEO efforts for next year.

  • Clicking "accept cookies" is an annoying but necessary step in the modern Web browsing experience. This article covers how to construct a site banner that is both compliant and (relatively) pain-free.