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  • Delivering personalized content at scale requires a strategic effort that applies to various marketing strategies: inbound, demand generation, account-based marketing, and sales enablement. Here are some best-practices for delivering personalized content for each of those four strategies.

  • Shoppers today are driven by the use of coupons, the ability to customize their shopping experience, and the ability to make purchases digitally. Check out findings from the annual "Promotions Industry Analysis."

  • With advertising becoming more expensive and the signal-to-noise ratio at an all-time high, brands are turning to influencer marketing to tap into existing audiences and achieve their marketing goals. But it's already becoming stale with one-off posts and sponsored content.

  • In far too many businesses, marketing and sales teams maintain radio silence between each other, even though each has plenty to offer the other—especially regarding content. If only they could team-up, their collaboration would mean less wheel-spinning and more success for both.

  • Blink a few times... and the 2019 holiday-shopping season will be here. Marketers and retailers have already started making plans to capitalize on the year's most lucrative season. If you haven't started planning yet, this infographic on peak shopping times from the previous holiday shopping season is a great starting point.

  • B2B companies tend not to believe social strategies will work for them. Instead, they often use social platforms as real-time broadcast channels for announcements or updates. But, done correctly, social can drive B2B lead generation—and conversions.

  • Some niche businesses think a small social presence and a semi-decent website are enough to engage customers in the age of digital marketing. Not even close, of course... So, what do successful customer engagements look like in the age of digital transformation?

  • It's already back-to-school season—the second-biggest retail event of the year, behind holiday shopping. But effectively targeting these shoppers takes a bit of planning. Use the stats and strategies in this infographic to plan the most effective back-to-school campaigns.

  • A Winning Digital Ad Strategy

    Sponsored Webinar

    Is your digital advertising performing as well as it could be? Do you have an effective strategy in place? We'll show you how to up your game. Sponsored by Marketo.

  • Ready or not, your customers want and expect personalized communications from your brand. Thankfully, there's a five-step framework you can use to kick your email marketing up a notch. Here's how.

  • Sales leaders and front-line salespeople agree that prospecting is their top challenge, but after that they disagree on the most difficult aspects of their jobs, according to recent research from RAIN Group.

  • You've likely sat through dozens of terrible presentations—and you're right to feel you were robbed of your time. Avoid subjecting your own audiences to the same fate with your own presentations: Apply these content marketing principles to create and deliver stellar presentations.

  • You may be increasingly hearing references to it, reading articles about it, being asked to learn about it, or even already dabbling in it. And you may be wondering... what's all the fuss about ABM, anyway? Sponsored by Engagio.

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • It's easy for us marketers to assume our jobs are not to deal with inbound phone calls. Our awesome marketing gets prospects on the phone, the reps make the sales, we call it a day. Not so fast!

  • What can you really achieve with a solid email marketing strategy? What is a realistic email goal for your business? This article walks you through four real-world examples of businesses that set goals and used email to achieve them.

  • In a digitally driven world, the human element can get lost. Nothing can replace face-to-face rapport, which is why events can do wonders for your sales—certain types of events more than others, depending on your brand and positioning. These three types of events can boost your sales.

  • Nearly 30% of Americans, that's some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that's a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you...

  • Modern B2B buyers are acting more like consumers and demanding frictionless, convenient buying experiences. But delivering those experiences is easier said than done. Here are five key considerations for enabling your marketing and sales teams to exceed buyer expectations.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.