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  • You build trust and authority by giving your customers the answers they're looking for. But how can you know what they want and when they want it? Join Jeannie Walters, Certified Customer Experience Professional, to uncover the clues of what customers want and when. Because when you know what your customers want, you can give them the right content at the right time. Register now for Session 2 of our B2B Content as CX Working Webinar series.

  • SCALE With ABM


    Broad outreach and generic marketing don't speak to your target audience or land the right leads for your B2B brand. Learn how you can use account-based marketing (ABM) to optimize and personalize each touchpoint along your customers' journey to produce higher ROI than other marketing strategies. Sponsored by Terminus.

  • Your customers want to consume your content before talking with sales. Design an outstanding customer experience around your self-service marketing content in Customers Crave Self-Service Content. Join Jeannie Walters, CCXP, in Session 1 of her B2B Content as CX Working Webinar series.

  • You know digital outreach helps drive brand awareness and revenue. But your audience craves something more—a more personalized approach. Learn how marketers are generating qualified leads and exceeding their revenue goals by blending traditional outreach with personalized experiences. Sponsored by Sendoso.

  • You've launched your campaign and your team is excited. And to get to the next level, you have to evolve like a marketer! Discover what metrics matter—and why—in our final session of the Digital Brand Activation Working Webinar series. Join branding expert Nick Westergaard in this PRO-exclusive Working Webinar. One part workbook. One part webinar. 100% action-oriented to take your next campaign to the moon.

  • Your customers hold the key to unlocking future business. Learn how to leverage customer reviews to boost demand-gen efforts. Sponsored by TrustRadius.

  • Get your team ready to launch! This session shows you how to leverage your peeps to implement your strategy. You'll also find new ways to integrate and promote your content. Branding expert Nick Westergaard will show you how, in Session 3 of our Digital Brand Activation Working Webinar series. One part workbook. One part webinar. 100% action-oriented to take your next campaign to the moon.

  • Did you know that 80% of the content we create is often wasted? Learn how to create the content that gets used and gives you a healthy return on your content investment. Sponsored by Allego.

  • Feeling like there are a million ways to market... but you can't create enough content to keep your audience engaged? In Do More With Less, you'll discover smart ways to create sustainable, engaging content. Ready to work with branding expert Nick Westergaard? Register for Session 2 of our Digital Marketing Working Webinar series. One part workbook. One part webinar. 100% action-oriented to take your next campaign to the moon.

  • You need to attract new people to your business. The right people, those potential ideal customers. Only then can you successfully engage with them. Providing incredible, high-value, educational content will qualify them ready for sales (or move them down your e-commerce pipeline). Then, when it's time for conversion, your success rate will boom.

  • Do you wish you had better visibility into the online-to-offline customer journey—and that you could take immediate action on insights extracted from customer conversations? With the right AI and conversation intelligence capabilities, you can do all of that and more. Sponsored by Invoca.

  • Your digital marketing is only as strong as the strategy behind it. In Brains Before Budget, you'll lay the foundations of your next campaign. Work side-by-side with branding expert Nick Westergaard in our Digital Brand Activation Working Webinar series. One part workbook. One part webinar. 100% action-oriented to take your next campaign to the moon.

  • It's not an exaggeration to say digital content can make or break your marketing campaigns. So if you're not attracting and connecting with the type of audiences you seek, it's time to level-up your content efforts. Get ready to discover how to engage with more—and better—prospects. Sponsored by Act-On.

  • If you want your content to be found, you can't do what everyone else is doing. Join search expert and founder of Seer Interactive Wil Reynolds for B2B Backstage to learn how to build an innovative toolbox that will get your content seen in 2022... and beyond.

  • Digital events, webinars, and content experiences have become the primary channels to connect with our prospects and customers. But a successful digital strategy does more than generate leads, it drives pipeline. Join us to learn how every digital experience can connect, engage, and convert. Sponsored by ON24.

  • Have you struggled to establish a "work-life balance," especially over the past two years? It's impossible to completely separate our work selves from our nonwork selves, but with the right boundaries in place, you can find the harmony and fulfillment you seek.

  • Does it sometimes feel like your writers, graphic designers, and video folks, and/or your creative agency, are not on the same page—and so the performance of your content suffers? If so, it's probably because the creative brief wasn't rigorous enough, if there was a brief at all. It's time to up your content game. Sponsored by Aventi Group.

  • Approximately 40% of all events in North America and Europe are now a hybrid event of some sort, meaning they include both an in-person and an online component. Join us for a conversation that will provide insights into how to use these hybrid events for lead generation. Sponsored by Glisser.

  • Getting the right content—content that directly corresponds to a prospect's need—in front of the right people, at the right moment, is a big challenge for today's marketers. But, with the right data and tools, it can be done. And it can drive business growth. Sponsored by Selling Simplified.

  • What email marketing tactics should you be using right now to improve open and response rates? Small changes (to words, timing, and more) can dramatically improve your performance—and so can knowing how to avoid common pitfalls and roadblocks. Sponsored by Litmus.