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  • How many hashtags and emojis, and number of characters—and what message types—should you be using for your social media posts? Today's infographic answers those questions about best-performing posts on six top social media platforms.

  • Setting yourself up with good writing habits can mean faster, better output. Here are 12 ideas for how to make yourself a more productive writer.

  • Providing useful content to your audience and selling your product or service to them aren't mutually exclusive tasks. These three tips explain how to use customer research to write compelling CTAs that help you make sales.

  • Done right, humor sells. But you probably don't sell a product or service that's inherently funny. So how can you create funny content that's just right for your business?

  • An effective case study starts with a great interview. These five tips will help you ask relevant questions and elicit answers that build persuasive case studies.

  • Are you planning to produce—or have you already begun producing—content in connection with the upcoming holiday season? Here is an abundance of insights to inform your approach to holiday-season content.

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • Content marketers regularly send out guest-article or guest-post pitches. But do those pitches resonate with the editors who receive them? Unfortunately, not very often. But why? In this infographic, business and marketing website editors explain why—and how to write pitches that get, and hold, editors' attention.

  • In a world full of "READ THIS!" "BUY NOW!" and "CLICK HERE!" sometimes the only action customers want to take is to click away. And we marketers shouldn't blame them. So, what do we do? How else can we inspire action?

  • Use these tips—straight from the mouths of journalists—to help your press release stand out from the ineffective and soon-to-be-deleted competition in your target journalist's inbox.

  • About 205.6 billion emails are sent every day. Spare yours the fate of not being read! Follow these quick tips for writing a captivating email that inspires action.

  • You market and sell to businesses. So, if you're going to create B2B sales and marketing material (which—make no mistake—your explainer video is), keep in mind these five tips for writing a video script that converts.

  • No reason to burn the midnight oil, especially if you're writing marketing emails. A study by Grammarly looked at when mistakes are made, and it found the best times for error-free writing. Check out the findings.

  • Your customers are already drowning in emails, so how can you make your campaigns read-worthy enough to grab their attention? Check out this infographic for tips on crafting stellar emails.

  • Painful as they may seem, requests for proposals are a B2B fact of life. They help you establish successful partnerships in an age of tight budgets and fierce competition for service contracts. Ensure your company gets the most out of the RFP process.

  • Is well-written content more effective than poorly written content? Does it make consumers more likely to like brands, click on offers, and purchase products/services?

  • So frustrating: You work hard. You know your industry inside and out. You offer something nobody else does. And you take precious time to write about it in your business blog. Yet... nobody is reading.

  • What nightspots trend on Twitter? Heineken helps young people find out. You’ll also learn what people really share on social networks, how to write like a spy, why word crimes are way worse than blurred lines, and why joining Instagram may be the smartest thing the TSA ever did. Skim for your share of state secrets.

  • How a business presents its services to potential customers is of paramount importance. And you may get just one shot at it...