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  • Is your direct marketing strategy still effective? The events of 2020 have likely prompted you to begin re-evaluating it. As you do that, keep in mind these three tactics for optimizing your direct marketing.

  • This recent infographic explores the current audio marketing landscape and covers what has and has not changed for marketers.

  • Social media retargeting is a valuable tactic in improving brand awareness and recognition during the buying process—and not just for consumer products, but B2B services as well. Learn more in this article.

  • In which countries are people most interested in online ad blocking? To find out, Surfshark looked at every country’s search volume for the top ad-blocking software relative to its population of internet users.

  • In the era of "fake news," getting someone to trust your content is not an easy task. But customers are more prepared to trust brands and businesses than other sources. Here's how to take advantage of it.

  • Online presentations and webinars are too often dragged down by surplus information or they're cluttered with self-promotion. Nobody has time for that. Make your presentation lean and mean by taking this article's advice.

  • Receiving messages too frequently is the top reason people say they have unsubscribed from brand messages (email lists, text lists, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research.

  • Did you know that Thursday is the most popular day for consuming videos from businesses? That's just one of the many interesting stats covered in this infographic from SalesIntel.

  • The top areas that technology content marketers are investing in include website enhancements and content creation, according to research from MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute.

  • What's the difference between TikTok and Instagram Reels? How does audience engagement vary between the two?

  • The way you timestamp (or don't timestamp) your online content says a lot about how you think about your audience. Find out why timestamped content is so important.

  • The average engagement rate per post in 2020 was much higher on Instagram than on Facebook and Twitter, according to research from Socialinsider.

  • The most acceptable mobile ad format are rewarded videos (i.e., users receive some sort of reward in exchange for time spent viewing), according to recent research from AdColony.

  • Unlocking the nuances of the human brain in relation to marketing is a fascinating area of study. Nancy Harhut joins us to talk psychology, behavioral sciences, questionable experiments, and how these all relate to marketing.

  • Though they are often conflated, content marketing and thought leadership are not the same. Learn more about their differences and similarities—along with how to use both content types—in this article.

  • The past year has shown us that anything can happen. In the future, how can we adapt to the moment and communicate in the best way possible? Check out these three tips.

  • Do you know the difference between the two types of in-stream ads on YouTube? Or how about where YouTube's bumper ads and video discovery ads appear?

  • Speaker, author, and influence marketing expert Jason Falls shares tips and insights from his new book, Winfluence: Reframing Influencer Marketing to Reignite Your Brand.

  • Digital communication is more important than ever, but many marketers are still wondering how to effectively handle engagement tactics and customer experiences in the virtual world. While forming your strategy, keep these five tips in mind.

  • Marketers can truly have a fundamental impact on their audience's quality of life. Jasmine Gee joins us and shares how she's used marketing to help with the Covid-19 vaccine rollout and how she's connected with her audience in a profound way.