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MarketingProfs Member

Rich Mistkowski

About me

  • Biography:
    I am the owner of a Marketing Services Company that focuses on helping B2B companies with their marketing and sales objectives.

    Our services include; finding the right promotional product for your project; mobile marketing strategies and implementation; website development for mid size companies; social media strategy and implementation; and using video as part of your marketing strategy.

    We work by helping our customers as an "extension" of their company, either by working closely with existing marketing departments, or in some cases acting as their marketing department. Our entire focus is based around our clients business, marketing, and sales objectives.

    We manage the process, so that they can focus on achieving their business objectives.

    One last thing. I know it may sound cliche, but so many companies engage in marketing and sales activities without understanding what their ROI is going to be or even giving it a consideration. I also understand the reality, not everything can be measured. But we try and highlight and focus on the importance of ROI when initiating every marketing or sales project. At least give it some thought.

    If you are going to spend your hard earned money, at least give some consideration to what your Return on Investment is going to be. We try and help with this process.

    We are always on the look out for new clients and referrals. We're not perfect and we don't have all the answers, but we Guarantee all of our efforts. In other words, if you're not happy, we'll do everything possible to make it right because we understand the importance of long term relationships. If we help make your company successful, then we know that you'll be with us for a long time and tell others about us.

    Thank you for your consideration.
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