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  • George B. Thomas and Jay Acunzo dive into what storytelling for B2B marketers really means. They talk about “resonate and resonance," how to get started, why storytelling matters, and more. Take your content creation to the next level with this "unthinkable storytelling" episode.

  • Text messaging apps now come with a spam folder. Uh oh. What can you still do to stand out from the competition in customers' text inboxes? These four rules can help.

  • Optimism for the US economy has plummeted among senior marketers, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

  • Why Instagram, and why now? Expert author Jenn Herman busts Instagram myths, shares words of wisdom, and dives into how B2B marketers can get started and use the social media platform to its full potential.

  • Smaller hybrid and virtual events can often reach more people than large conferences because smaller shows can better take accessibility and other attendee needs into account. Learn how to plan such events.

  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • Many marketing agencies are finding it harder to obtain new business this year compared with last year, according to recent research from RSW/US.

  • In B2B relationships, all voices are important, but not equal or the same—and treating them as such can cost your company retention and loyalty.

  • "What is the definition of marketing strategy?" is a common question among marketing professionals and others in the business world. This article covers some basic ideas that separate marketing strategy from other aspects of marketing.

  • Content plays a vital role in creating a symbiotic—and successful—relationship and alignment between your sales and marketing teams. Join Pam Didner to learn how to create and curate great content to support your sales and revenue goals. Sponsored by Bigtincan.

  • Marketing Smarts jumps into the good, the bad, and the ugly that B2B marketers have faced in the name of market research. Jim Longo talks about how to get started, gives words of wisdom, and explains what market research success looks like.

  • This infographic from Giraffe Social Media explores the psychology of six colors commonly used by marketers: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and purple.

  • Say goodbye to Sales and Marketing communication breakdowns and disagreements about leads—especially lead quality and lead follow-up (or the lack thereof). In this webinar, you'll learn how to use lead scoring to align Sales and Marketing, gain strategic insights about products and accounts, and close more deals. Sponsored by Adobe Marketo Engage.

  • Providing a great customer experience is essential to reducing churn and driving repeat sales. So, how can you ensure you're delivering an experience that meets—or even exceeds—expectations?

  • B2B marketing and sales leaders say the data types they're using most as part of their go-to-market efforts are account history (57% cite) and contact data (57% also cite).

  • Your company may have its messaging content and tone perfected, but that counts for nothing if you're messaging customers at 3 in the morning on weekends. Go through the steps in this article to achieve total personalization of the customer experience.

  • As a marketer, you might feel helpless when the economy takes a tumble and suddenly people aren't spending money. But there are still things you can do to take advantage of a quiet market.

  • Marketers say accurate measurement is the most important element of a successful B2B multichannel marketing strategy, according to recent research from ActOn and Ascend2.

  • B2B technology buyers are increasingly turning to digital channels to gather information during decision-making and to actually make purchases. How can you ensure changing buyer behavior doesn't derail your growth?

  • Most Americans are uninterested or wary about the metaverse/virtual worlds, according to recent research from Ipsos.