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  • Operational excellence in marketing is vital to organizational growth. Enter Marketing Ops—the oxygen every marketing organization needs for peak performance. Join marketing ops visionary Laura Patterson for this free, hands-on interactive webinar and discover how to create a stellar marketing ops function.

  • In this superhero-themed webinar, learn how to do more revenue-generating marketing activities with less—less time, less headcount, and less budget. Kick that marketing kryptonite to the curb and discover how to save the day. Sponsored by Act-On.

  • Learn how to close the credibility gap between marketers and sales reps, why your sellers aren't using your marketer-created content, how to increase content use by up to 111%, and what steps to take to create a sustainable content lifecycle. Sponsored by Allego.

  • SESSION 4 of 4: Your potential buyers change—constantly. They change in relation to market trends, economic realities, supply chain issues, corporate re-orgs, and more. To stay current with your target audience, keep your Buyer Personas fresh and relevant.

  • Discover how to build pipeline and meet your growth goals, even when budget and resources are tight. In this free webinar, you'll learn how to use account-based plays that target and engage with the companies most likely to be your next customers. Sponsored by Airmeet.

  • After two years of uncertainty, events turned a corner in 2022. And while we approach 2023 with optimism, we’re all wondering what curveballs lie ahead. Join Cvent for a lively conversation about what trends industry pros are predicting for 2023 and how they'll affect you this year and beyond. Sponsored by Cvent.

  • SESSION 3 of 4: When you put Buyer Personas to work, they'll inform your B2B content marketing strategy, align you with the customer success and sales teams, and fill your sales pipeline. Discover how to create effective marketing campaigns that target potential customers in Session 3 with Ardath Albee.

  • Prospects' personalized experiences on your website shouldn't stop when they become customers. In this free webinar, learn how an ABM program for customers can help keep you on track at a time when customer lifetime value (CLV) matters most. Sponsored by Drift.

  • SESSION 2 of 4: Completed your B2B Buyer Persona research? It's time for a "discovery debrief." Separate the wheat from the chaff and build your Buyer Personas with the core elements of your target audience. It's the next step to resonating with your potential customers.

  • AI is helping marketers unlock their creativity and speed up content development—from ideation to outline-writing, editing, publishing, and more. Register now to learn how AI writing technology can increase your writers' productivity tenfold without sacrificing quality or brand consistency. Sponsored by Writer.

  • SESSION 1 of 4: B2B Buyer Personas are key to your successful content marketing strategy. Creating useful Buyer Personas starts with effective research. Discover how to research your target audience to both "know" your potential customers and understand their needs.

  • Discover the benefits of content syndication—namely, boosting lead generation, brand awareness, and SEO performance—and learn how to execute an efficient, effective program. Learn how content syndication can support your marketing objectives in 2023. Sponsored by DemandScience.

  • Discover why your messaging isn't always to blame for poor conversion and what may be the culprit instead. Join MarketingProfs CEO Allen Weiss to learn how a positioning framework can help you create powerful messaging that connects with your audience and cements your claim in the marketplace.

  • Everybody writes—but not everybody wants to read it! Good news though. This webinar can fix that for you. Join me, Ann Handley, to discover the 10 things you can do to stand out with excellent content. You'll also get the Writing GPS system I use to write my books, emails, and more. It's painless. Mostly. But there will be prizes!

  • Lead magnets are the cornerstone of a solid demand gen strategy. But not all lead magnets are created equal. In this free training, Kenda Macdonald will show you how to create a lead magnet that profiles your prospects, increases conversions, and supports your sales team.

  • Join veteran B2B Marketing expert Michael Brenner to learn six practical steps you can take right now to start meeting buyer needs and your CEO's expectations.

  • Changes in technology, privacy, and customer behavior are disrupting digital marketing. But many of us are too busy to understand how these changes will affect our work and careers. So we're hosting a friendly fireside chat with six domain experts to discuss the important trends and changes coming your way in 2023.

  • You believe in your product. Now if only your customer would get on board! Join B2B marketer, author, and speaker Nancy Harhut for this live encore of her fall 2022 MarketingProfs B2B Forum presentation. Learn how to obliterate objections and get that deal closed.

  • Artificial intelligence in marketing is here to stay, and Marketing and Sales leaders can no longer afford to ignore it. Register today to catch up on AI trends and best-practices for your marketing strategy and for aligning your revenue teams. Sponsored by Drift.

  • Join positioning expert and MarketingProfs CEO Allen Weiss for this free webinar to gain a better understanding of your market, how to segment it based on the benefits your organization offers, and what sets you apart from the competition.