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  • Marketers say text-based search advertising is the most effective pay-per-click (PPC) channel and display advertising is the least effective PPC channel, according to recent research from Hanapin Marketing.

  • These are commonly asked questions (and their answers) about voice search, which is top of mind with marketers and businesses because so many searches are being conducted across Siri, Alexa, Google Home, and Cortana.

  • Want to future-proof your business for search—and more? Make sure you provide relevant, contextual answers to consumers' voice searches. Here's how.

  • This infographic explores stats about email, mobile, content, budgets, and more all in one place. It also explains why these stats are key to your career. As digital marketers become more in demand, where will you excel?

  • Marketers looking to make the most of their winter-holiday online advertising campaigns should not overlook the month of October, according to recent research from AdRoll.

  • Q: Alexa, how popular is voice search? A: Let me check with my frenemies Siri, Bixby, and Cortana, and I'll get back to you on that. Yes, voice search is growing in popularity, and marketers need to make sure their search results are ranking. See how.

  • What are the average engagement rates and costs for mobile ads on Google's search and display networks? How do those rates and costs vary among industries?

  • SEO marketers have a lot to keep up with: updated algorithms, changing user behaviors, and new technologies. This infographic puts all that info—and more—into one place. Check it out to see how you might improve your search rankings.

  • Paid search ad campaigns can be the fastest way to generate leads. The challenge, however, is to ensure healthy cost per acquisition (CPA). Here are eight techniques you can use to boost conversions while reducing CPA.

  • Search engine optimization professionals say their biggest pain point with Google My Business is dealing with fake reviews, according to recent research from BrightLocal.

  • Which keywords do people in the United States search for most on Google? To find out, Siege Media used the Ahrefs platform to examine the top queried terms in the 12 months preceding June 1, 2018.

  • There is a significant correlation between fast mobile page load times and ranking toward the top of Google's mobile search engine results pages, according to recent research from Searchmetrics.

  • Which advertising platform is best for your business? Check out how both Google AdWords and Facebook Ads work to get yourself ready to make some bids.

  • Whether you create SEO reports internally or for clients, creating the right template and reporting on the most vital data will make your job easier and help you prove ROI.

  • Paid search results that drive phone contact can have high ROI, but you won't see the results you want if your business is missing calls. Here are eight steps you can take to make sure you capture those valuable leads.

  • SEO expert Jeremiah Smith of online marketing agency SimpleTiger discusses voice, AI, and other developments in search engine marketing, and shares tips for maximizing traffic and conversions.

  • Most search engine optimization (SEO) agencies and specialists charge a monthly retainer for some or all of their services, according to recent research from Ahrefs.

  • As personal assistants and home devices become more popular, SEO marketers need to optimize search results for voice queries as well. Here are some stats and tips to get you started.

  • Google and Facebook dominate referral traffic to all types of online content, but the proportion of visits driven by each varies significantly by topic, according to recent research from

  • YouTube is the world's second largest search engine, so it's especially important for video marketers to optimize their videos to rank in search results. Here are some usable tips to help you do that.