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  • The social media manager role revolves around managing social media channels on a daily basis, but the work has bled over into other marketing areas as well. Here's what it takes to do the job well.

  • With Covid-19 having rapidly shut down businesses across the world, more workplaces have sent their employees home—some of them indefinitely. Is that a viable solution? It is, if an emphasis is placed on trust. With trust, a remote team can thrive, benefiting employees and employers alike.

  • If your salespeople aren't effective presenters, they'll never achieve their full potential—even if they're good at selling. Which is why it's critical to understand and monitor this vital skill. Here's how to measure and evaluate sales presentation skills.

  • Layoffs and furloughs have become a prevalent part of our lives, but many don't know what to do when a layoff happens. This infographic highlights the prevalence of layoffs and outlines how to apply for unemployment benefits and eventually get back to work.

  • Many businesses that sent employees home during the pandemic are beginning to reopen as politicians attempt to limit the economic damage (albeit prematurely and therefore unwisely, many would say). For some, though, returning to the office means having to again deal with workplace bullies.

  • MarketingProfs founder and mindfulness teacher Allen Weiss explains how mindfulness and meditation can help marketers survive and thrive in stressful situations (like, say, a pandemic).

  • To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes." Here's what you need to know.

  • Amazingly, five generations work together in today's workplaces. And if the Silent Generation is conservative, Boomers are materialistic, Gen X is skeptical, Millennials are narcissistic, Gen Z is impulsive... how well do they work together? Or are those stereotypes just all wrong? Let's find out.

  • What do top-performing sales negotiators do differently? Do they tend to rely more on certain approaches and tactics than other sellers do? RAIN Group surveyed 262 salespeople who work in 26 industries. Here's what it found.

  • The Myers-Briggs test can have various business applications, such as determining career path or pairing team members who work well together. Check out some traits of the 16 personality types along with which personality types team up well with each other.

  • When we head back to our offices once the pandemic that's disrupted our business and personal lives is over, many of us will have grown accustomed to working from home—on our own schedule. For most of us, continuing to work from home won't be an option. But flextime could well be.

  • You can come up with a marketing strategy that impresses the C-suite, but if you don't have the right people to execute it, your hard work will have been wasted. So how do you attract and keep great marketers who work at their full potential? A people strategy.

  • Employee advocacy is a proven marketing strategy. But preparation ahead of implementation is key to ensuring advocacy programs' effectiveness—and success. Do these three things to prepare.

  • What must marketers think about today to ensure they and their companies are performing better than ever 10 years from now? Here are five ways to future-proof your career and ensure your company's success.

  • Work-life balance is something that many are in search of, but few find. Learn how to break out of the cycle of being knocked off balance, and how to establish boundaries that allow you to be your best both personally and professionally.

  • How can you ensure that your team members—or, more generally, all those at your company, employees and execs alike—get to and stay in mentally and emotionally healthy place? And should that really be a business concern?

  • Chief marketing officers have the shortest average tenure among C-suite executives at large US companies, followed by chief human resources officers, according to recent research from Korn Ferry.

  • You've heard the truism: Employees don't leave jobs or companies, they leave managers and bosses. Nearly two-thirds of employees have at one time or another left a job or plan to leave because of their manager or boss.

  • Investing in your team's skills and know-how can help improve your company's performance and create an impressive talent pool for future openings in your organization. Encourage professional development to reap the benefits of having loyal, motivated, and skilled employees.

  • Allowing employees to work some or all of the time outside your offices offers tangible business benefits, but also challenges related to communication, collaboration, and management. These lesser-known tools can help you mitigate the challenges and reap the benefits of remote teams.