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  • A well-rounded Google My Business profile online has quickly become a deciding factor of a small business's success in its community. This thorough guide explains how to set up your profile so you can reap the rewards.

  • Often, marketers stop short of asking the really important questions about SEO. We focus on things like keyword rankings and backlinks—not how those impact overall marketing or business goals. Obviously, measurement is important; but there is no one-size-fits-all approach to determining what metrics matter. So... what's to be done?

  • Wouldn't it be useful if you had a checklist to make sure your search engine optimization (SEO) is Web-worthy in 2019? You do now... Check out this comprehensive infographic.

  • Businesses worldwide are jumping onto technological advancements and changes in marketing. If you're not prioritizing digital marketing, you're merely giving your competitors a chance to get ahead. See just how important digital marketing is for businesses today.

  • Google will begin to add podcasts to search results. Soon, podcasts won't have to rely on Top 100 lists and word-of-mouth to be discoverable. This development will fundamentally change the medium. Here's what you need to know.

  • Marketers need to keep up on the state of voice search, because it's changing how consumers search for information. Users are speaking into their smartphones and to voice assistants to find out about your business, products, and services. Check out this compilation of voice search statistics.

  • If you want a website designed to convert visitors into customers or potential customers, and you're banking on SEO to bring you targeted visitors, a low-cost solution or vendor can often cost you more in the long run. So how do you choose?

  • Paid search, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a part of search engine marketing (SEM). It's an effective way to drive search traffic your way quickly and consistently. But how does it work? And why should small and midsize businesses be using it?

  • Your website is how customers find your business—and how you find customers. Which is why your site must be search-optimized. But search algorithms evolve quickly. You need to keep pace with SEO trends. This infographic helps you do that.

  • Agencies are increasingly charging clients for paid search services based on a percentage of spend, according to recent research from WordStream.

  • How often have you clicked on a search result and then clicked away because the site didn't load quickly? A lot? Yes, that's common. In 2019, site speed is the name of the SEO game. You can either keep up with speed expectations, or you can lose out.

  • These days, the Web is where customers find your business—and also where we actually conduct so much of our business, whether that's for marketing or conducting online commerce. You simply can't afford to have your website running at substandard speeds. The handful of stats in this infographic make it clear why you need to boost website page-load speeds.

  • 30 years ago, in March 1989, the first webpage was created by British engineer and computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. This timeline infographic will guide you through the history of the World Wide Web. See how we got to where we are now.

  • How do you spot room for growth when the local SEO playing field looks too even? When you take a close look you'll find the opportunities for growth are there—and can have direct, measurable impact on both search engine visibility and the bottom line. A future-proof strategy exists.

  • If your website or blog has an abundance of posts and pages that aren't search-engine optimized, you should be thinking about doing a content audit to improve SEO. Here's a six-step content audit and optimization process that will markedly improve organic traffic to your site.

  • Businesses that rely on organic search for sales and conversions know the importance of SEO, but ranking for keywords is becoming harder and more time-consuming. But there's plenty you can do about that. Complete these three SEO tasks to improve your site's organic search visibility across the Web.

  • Page titles are an important, but often overlooked, part of achieving success with your SEO efforts. When used correctly, they can help you achieve greater organic search visibility and higher click-through-rates for your website. Here are a few tips on how to optimize your page titles and improve your SEO.

  • Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. It takes a lot of work to achieve those elusive Page One rankings—and to retain them. Part of the onsite work is a systematic review of sources that might indicate there's trouble brewing or in full storm mode. Here are 10 checks for such indicators of trouble.

  • Ranking on Google is getting more complex—and strategically important—every single year, and 2018 was no exception. Though we're well into 2019, a wide range of Google Search algorithm updates in the past year are still influencing our search results.

  • Voice search is changing how users search for information—and, more important for marketers and businesses, how websites provide that information in order to be featured in voice search results. Here's what you can, and should, do about that.