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MarketingProfs Member

Scott Fasser

About me

  • Biography:
    Scott has over 16 years experience in building successful businesses in a variety of industries including: e-commerce (, Digital Marketing (, Avenue A & Brand Digital, Inc.), Internet Entertainment (, Consumer Entertainment Software (Sierra) and Recycling/Solid Waste Management (Rabanco Recycling).


    * Launch B2B Marketing Software Company -
    * Built the Paid Search Program at RealNetworks into one of the top spending and most complex campaigns in the entertainment vertical at Google and Yahoo! Search.
    * Designed, executed & analyzed over 35 cross-selling tests while driving the on-site marketing of the Apparel channel launch on
    * Launched the Customer Insight Group, Vital Signs Web Analytics product and Atlas Institute at Avenue A.
    * Created and launched the online gaming portal for the largest (at that time) publisher of PC Games called the World Opponent Network. Built into a top 400 site.
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