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Marketing Opinions: Mobile

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  • by Paul Dunay
    You can't hop into a cab, step into an elevator or walk down the street without passing someone using a Blackberry, iPhone or other type of mobile device. Business professionals, students, police and even your kids are connected every second of the As a result, more and more carriers are ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Verizon Wireless and LG Wireless's much-anticipated new chocolate phone was recently unveiled to lots of oohs and Now that the phone has come off the fashion runway, and cell phone connoisseurs have had a chance to handle the new beauty, the comments are coming in. And they seem to be ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Apparently, this is a brave new world, that is, we're boldly going where no man has gone before. more
  • by Roy Young
    Are you up in arms about the increasing number of unsolicited and pre-recorded telephone calls you I am. It may work -- why would they do it if it did not? -- but it gives marketing a bad Just this morning, I had two come in to my business phone. ... more
  • by Scott Petinga
    Virgin Mobile will launch a program dubbed "SugarMama" that allows customers to get 75 minutes of airtime For those of you who are not familiar with Virgin Mobile, that basically equates to $7.50 or $0.10 per minute for the In order to obtain thier FREE minutes, a customer will have ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Yesterday, Verizon launched a new cell-phone service that will chaperone your kids (and alert you if they wander beyond a perimeter that you set for them, Poynter's Al Meanwhile, the Boston ast week ran a piece about how state and national ruling bodies for youth soccer leagues have recommended that ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    I saw this post over at Reuters this week titled Virgin Mobile Introduces Ad-Subsidized Calls and my initial reaction was that it is a lame It conjured up memories of . After I ignored the sick feeling in my stomach, I thought about it for a few minutes and decided, ... more
  • by Scott Petinga
    As the adage goes there's always a first time for So today all the advertisers out there who are responsible for allowing so much #@$& crap to get by can actually take a deep breath and relax as I focus my attention on what I consider to be one of ... more

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