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  • Chief marketing officers at enterprise B2B companies say their top strategic goals are to improve the customer experience, ensure their teams have the right skills, and generate leads/sales, according to recent research.

  • Marketers looking to be on trend with their infographics this year may want to experiment with bright colors, animation, vintage vibes, personalization, gradients, linework, and data visualization.

  • This infographic looks at the core disciplines that must be considered when developing a comprehensive, revenue-focused social media plan.

  • Marketers and creatives say the top things that slow the creative process down are waiting for feedback and chasing down approvals, according to recent research.

  • Social media expertise is the most in-demand marketing skill and customer service expertise is the most in-demand sales skill, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • This infographic covers 10 steps for leading prospects from engagement to conversion with email campaigns, starting with knowing your audience and finishing with integrating your marketing environment.

  • Which words and phrases do people use most often when conducting online searches? To find out, Frontier surveyed 1,000 Americans of all ages.

  • Most marketers who organize and run events expect event marketing budgets to increase this year, according to recent research from Splash.

  • B2B buyers say they want chatbots from vendors to provide accurate and relevant answers—and to provide those answers very quickly, according to recent research from Conversica.

  • There's an abundance of digital marketing tools on the market. So which ones should you be using? This infographic covers Smart Insight's recommendations for essential tools in 2023.

  • Workers will have spaces that are more flexible and wellness-focused in coming years, and roles that are less hierarchical, according to predictions coved in this infographic.

  • The firms that succeed the most with content marketing are much more likely to document their strategies, invest a greater share of budget in content, use paid channels for promotion, and measure ROI, according to recent research from Semrush.

  • People say businesses should act as trustworthy information sources, base actions on science, and avoid aligning with a political party to avoid being seen as politically motivated when taking stands, according to recent research from Edelman.

  • Which corporate buzzwords are overused by recruiters in job posts? To find out, SimpleTexting compiled a list of the 45 most "cringe" words/phrases, then analyzed 6.6 million LinkedIn US job ads to see which ones appeared most often.

  • Which companies tend to be incubators for startup founders? To find out, OnDeck analyzed the LinkedIn profiles of 228,000 people who have worked for America's largest organizations.

  • Americans age 50 and older have increasingly embraced technologies such as smartphones, smart televisions, and social media over the past few years, according to recent research from AARP.

  • Among their many marketing and media capabilities, senior marketers are most confident in their ability to target customers and are least confident in their third-party data analyses, according to recent research.

  • Nostalgia marketing—referencing the past to spark positive emotions—can be a highly effective tactic. This infographic explores what makes it work so well and gives examples of it in action.

  • This infographic looks at the signals prioritized by the algorithms of six of the most used platforms: Google, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

  • Many marketers say they value that printed marketing materials such as brochures enable them to provide a physical copy of information, but they also say they worry that people simply throw those materials away, according to recent research.