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Take 10: How to Ensure Your Target Audience Views Your Content

Ran Gishri
Fri, Mar 7, 2014
10 minutes

Content marketing has become a mainstream strategy for B2B and B2C marketers. However, while vast efforts go into content creation, content distribution is often an afterthought.

In just 10 minutes, we'll present the most effective means for content distribution—both paid and free—so you can get your content seen and yield higher returns on your content creation spend.


Ran Gishri is vice president of audience development for Taboola, the largest content recommendation and discovery platform. Before joining Taboola, Ran headed marketing at Leadspace, where he helped introduce social lead targeting to recognized brands such as Marketo, Eloqua, Jive, and Badgeville. Ran has over 20 years of tech marketing experience from companies of varied sizes—from early-stage startups to established market leaders.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone in online marketing who wants to use content to build traffic, generate leads, or raise brand awareness.

What Will You Learn?

  • Guidelines for building a content distribution plan
  • What free and paid tools you can use to distribute your content
  • How to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts

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