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Marketing Articles: Graphic Design

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  • What You Can Learn From the Gap's Logo Debacle
    Not long ago, Gap sparked a social-media firestorm when it quietly unveiled a redesigned logo. People not only disliked the bargain-basement aesthetic—they hated it. And, writes Umair Haque at Harvard Business Review, for good reason:  "The new logo reeks of something designed not just by committee," he says, "but by ... more
  • Four Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Visual System
    by Gwyneth Dwyer
    What does your brand look like? Is it recognizable—in any medium? Or does it change its appearance and present a confusing array of visual styles? Most organizations understand the strategic importance of a consistent visual style... but fall short on implementation, especially when there are multiple in-house or agency creative teams. more
  • by Laura Ries
    In the nonprofit sector, marketing is often considered a dirty word, a necessary evil that no one admits spending too much time or money on. But to build a successful nonprofit organization to help people, you still need to follow the laws of branding. Why? Because powerful nonprofit brands will ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    When should companies allow declining, aging brands to finish their life cycles? When should they opt to revitalize them? There are hard questions for companies in view of fast-changing consumer demands, increasing global competition, and diminishing awareness of heritage brands among younger consumers. more
  • by Jared McCarthy
    Developing a great logo is a strange mix of art, science, psychology and (in most cases) a good amount of luck. Last week, in part one of this two-part series, we discussed some fundamentals of logo development and design. Here, in this final installment, we delve deeper into the nitty-gritty: ... more
  • by Jared McCarthy
    Developing a great logo is a strange mix of art, science, psychology and (in most cases) a good amount of luck. In this, the first of a two-part series, we'll explain what a logo really is (and isn't!), suggest how to start development, and ask a few questions you'll need ... more
  • by William Arruda
    Color can be used to support goals way beyond just recognition. It can be used to evoke emotion and build that all important connection with those who surround your brand. more
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