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Take 10: How to Develop a Lead Management Process that Drives Sales

Carlos Hidalgo
Fri., Jul. 29, 2011, 11am ET (8am PT)
10 minutes

If you want to consistently convert leads into sales, you're going to need more than some fancy-schmancy lead management software solution. In fact, whether you choose to invest in something like that or not, you're going to need rock-solid processes for gathering leads, qualifying leads, and, ultimately, turning leads into revenue gold. In other words, you'll need a lead management framework.

In this Take 10, Carlos Hidalgo of the Annuitas Group lays out the eight critical elements of a lead management framework that's built to last. In addition to describing each element, Carlos also provides a set of questions you'll want to answer while customizing the framework for your organization. Finally, he offers tips on conducting an audit of your existing framework, so that you can uncover gaps and make necessary improvements.


Carlos Hidalgo is CEO at The Annuitas Group where he has helped clients identify more than $300 million of potential revenue by developing and implementing lead management sales and marketing processes. Prior to The Annuitas Group, Carlos was responsible for global SMB marketing at BMC Software. Carlos has held various positions at McAfee, Staffware, and Bertram, McKee & Associates and was instrumental in delivering strategic marketing, lead management, lead generation and lead database development programs for Microsoft, IBM, HP, and Avnet.

Who Should Attend?

This PRO webcast is for time-pressed marketers. If you don’t like taking notes, you’ll love the checklist. And if you want to learn during your commute (or at the gym, at a coffee shop, at the airport, or while walking your dog), even better. This Take 10 is portable.

What Will You Learn?

  • How lead management is defined
  • How to create a lead management framework
  • How to conduct an audit of an existing framework
  • How to find gaps in an existing framework
  • What questions to ask yourself when developing a lead management process

About our Take 10 Program

In just 10 minutes, each Take 10 webcast features step-by-step instructions on a narrow topic. Packed with takeaways, every episode comes with a handy one-page checklist, so there's no need to take notes. Just download the PDF. PRO members can now watch Take 10 webcasts using the MarketingProfs mobile app. Download the iPhone or Android app, and get smart on the go!

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