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  • Dialogue Writing, Part 1: Chaos Is Good! [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    ARRRRGH! Few things are more painful to listen to than bad dialogue. How can you go about writing good dialogue? Fire up the video, and we'll get started. more
  • Location-Based Coupon Users Concerned About Privacy
    Though more than two-thirds of mobile consumers (67.0%) say location-based coupons are convenient and useful, nearly one-half (44.8%) say they have security concerns about their locations being tracked, according to a survey from Prosper Mobile Insights. more
  • Android Widens Smartphone Lead in August, RIM Slips
    Google Android strengthened its lead in the US smartphone market in August 2011, accounting for 43.7% of smartphone subscribers, up 5.6 percentage points (PPs) from the previous three-month period, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service. more
  • Pew: Americans Rely on Multiple Media for Local Info
    Though one-half (50%) of Americans read print or Web editions of newspapers for local information at least weekly, more than two-thirds (69%) say the death of their local newspaper would have no major impact on their ability to find local information, according to a report by Pew Research. more
  • Should You Appeal to Your Audience's Right Brain or Left Brain? [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    Science tells us that the brain's two hemispheres process information quite differently. Knowing that, we can shape our writing to appeal to either the left brain or the right brain. But which should you appeal to? more
  • Optimize for Bing: Four Key Tips
    Although Google remains the search engine of choice for most customers, you can't ignore the importance of optimizing for Bing—which currently powers nearly a third of all stateside searches. And at the Bing Community's Webmaster Center blog, Duane Forrester provides insight into Bing's SEO preferences. "[There] are a few items we love to ... more
  • Behavioral Mindsets Influence Search Patterns
    When searching for information on the Internet, people tend to exhibit one of three distinct behavioral search patterns, according to new research by, which explores the various mindsets that drive Web search. more
  • How to Get Your Creative Approved [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    You've finished the script. It's great. It's funny. It's the kind of writing that gets attention and wins awards. You send it to the client. Think it'll come back unscathed? Maybe... IF you follow this tip. more
  • Smaller Tech Companies Upping Marketing Investments
    Though overall global marketing budgets in the tech sector are increasing 3.5% in 2011, they are not keeping pace with annual revenues in the sector, which are expected to grow 6.5% over 2010 levels, according to a report by IDC. more
  • Shoppers via Social Sites Buy Less Often, but Spend More
    Although online shoppers who arrive at retail websites via Facebook and Twitter are less likely than those who arrive via search engines to make a purchase, they tend to spend more money when they do buy, according to research from RichRelevance. more
  • CMOs: Budgets, Hiring Up; Optimism Down
    Despite a lack of confidence in the overall US economy, CMOs are planning to increase spending on all forms of marketing over the next 12 months, particularly the share of budget allocated to social media marketing, according to The CMO Survey. more
  • Three Ways That Monitoring Social Media Can Help PPC Campaigns
    "Beginning at the dawn of Google, when I first got my feet wet with PPC, you could learn everything in an afternoon," writes Jared Reed at SteadyRain. "These days, it seems like there's a new management tool, tracking metric, or ad product springing up every hour." Still, social media remains ... more
  • Tripped Up by a Typo: Five Real-Life Examples [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    It's bad enough when you notice a typo in a tweet. But what if a sloppy error ends up on a billboard, menu, or business sign? Here are five examples that make the case for fanatical proofreading. more
  • Search Rankings: Google Grabs 64.8% in August
    Google Sites led the US explicit core search market in August 2011 with 64.8% of search queries conducted, followed by Yahoo Sites with 16.3% and Microsoft Sites with 14.7%, according to data from comScore. more
  • The Five Rules of Great Radio: Rule 5 [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    You and two friends have spent the last three hours climbing up the edge of a giant pizza crust. Finally reaching the top, you look out over the vast plain of pepperoni and green peppers. The aroma causes you to lose your balance and tumble down into a pool of ... more
  • US Ad Spending Up 3.2% in First Half of 2011
    Total measured advertising expenditures reached $71.5 billion in the first six months of 2011, up 3.2% from the same period one year earlier, according to data released Kantar Media. Spending growth eased slightly during the second quarter, reaching $36.5 billion, up 2.8% from a year earlier. more
  • Women on Facebook Click Ads More, Younger Adults 'Like' More
    When viewing Facebook ads that offer a "like" button, nearly equal proportions of men and women directly click the "like" button, but more women than men click on the ad itself. Younger adults, meanwhile, are more likely than older counterparts to directly click the ad's "like" button, whereas older adults ... more
  • M-Commerce Taking Comparison Shopping to a New Level
    Mobile commerce has become widespread in the US: 80% of smartphone owners say they have used their devices to help make buying decisions in the past year and two-thirds have made a purchase with their phone, according to a study by LEK Consulting. Moreover, mobile shopping apps are giving on-the-go ... more
  • The Five Rules of Great Radio: Rule 4 (b) [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    If the only thing consistent about your radio spots is that they always sound different, you may have a problem. If you're aiming for a brand sound, you'll never hit your mark if you constantly change elements. more
  • Small Businesses Moving Aggressively to Online Marketing
    Small and midsize companies (SMBs) continue to move marketing dollars to digital channels, according to BIA/Kelsey, which now forecasts digital spending among US SMBs to reach $16.6 billion annually by 2015—roughly 70% of total SMB marketing budgets. more
  • CMOs: Where Are the Marketing Innovators?
    In-house marketing executives say they want to be challenged by the agencies they work with, but only 3% say agencies most often lead the charge for marketing innovation in their companies, according to a new study by The Horn Group and Kelton Research. more
  • The Five Rules of Great Radio: Rule 4 (a) [Video]
    by Brent Walker
    You're driving. Through Iowa. Endless fields of corn. Row after row of stalks the same size, the same height, the same color. That, actually, is much like a drive through radio advertising. How can you hope to stand out? more
  • Forrester: Interactive Spending to Reach $76.6B by 2016
    US advertisers are expected to spend nearly $77 billion on interactive marketing by 2016—as much as they now spend on TV—according to a new report by Forrester Research. By 2016, search, display, mobile, email, and social media together are expected to constitute 26% of all ad spending, up from 16% ... more
  • Women, Older Adults Now Own Most E-Readers
    After being embraced early on by young adult men in the US, e-readers have become increasingly popular among women and older adults, according to a new report by Nielsen. Though tablet ownership is still dominated by men, growing numbers of older Americans are buying the portable devices. more
  • Four Mistakes of the SEO Novice
    "As you get started in SEO, you'll read a lot about things you should be doing to optimize your website for organic search," writes Marty Diamond at the Diamond Website Conversion blog. "What you may not hear as much about, however, is what you should avoid doing." To help you identify ... more

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