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Take 10: Six Quick Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Content

Erika Napoletano
Fri., Oct. 14, 2011, 11am ET (8am PT)
10 minutes

Writing for SEO means more than just stuffing your copy with the right keywords. Anyone can do that—and immediately lose readers in the less than 33 seconds of attention they're willing to give your site. Effective SEO copywriting, by contrast, is the art of creating fresh, engaging copy that just happens to have the right keywords in the best places to attract more visitors to your site.

In just 10 minutes, learn how to write keyword-rich copy that helps visitors find your website in the search engines, but is never boring or forced. You'll also discover how to effectively use those keywords in headers, tags, and links. Plus, if you're an SEO copywriting newbie, you'll get a few tips on how to get started optimizing your website.


Erika Napoletano is the head redhead at RedheadWriting, a Denver-based digital strategies consultancy. Her blog consistently strives to say what others won't and don't (but should) about marketing, social media, business integrity, and life in general. Named one of Colorado's top online personalities (much to the mainstream's dismay) by The Denver Post, she's also Entrepreneur Magazine's newest columnist. Her client list includes companies from the who's who of Silicon Valley to award-winning startups, and while it might be uncool, she truly loves every one of them.

Who Should Attend?

If you want to learn how to write engaging, SEO-friendly copy, then you'll want to spend your coffee break listening to this Take 10.

What Will You Learn?

  • The quick and dirty rules of SEO copywriting
  • The optimal number of keywords to have per page
  • How to use alt image tags to boost your searchability
  • How to best use links for SEO

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