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Marketing Articles: Advertising

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  • Three Ways to Maximize the Power of Testimonials in Email Campaigns
    The forward to Harvey Mackay's bestselling Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive featured 15 solid pages of praise from VIPs like President Gerald Ford and the Reverend Billy Graham. "The kicker?" writes Hal Licino at MarketingProfs. "By the time the reader read those 15 pages, they were so ... more
  • Why You Need SEO, Even If You Hate It
    "Heresy alert," writes Jason Amunwa at The Zest blog. "I've been struggling with a dark secret recently; you see, I realized that I really dislike SEO. "To me it's like health insurance: I hate dealing with it, I intensely dislike paying for it, and its benefits are difficult for most ... more
  • How to Battle the Downturn With Foursquare
    "I think Foursquare is a hugely untapped and powerful little tool for small-business marketing," writes Wendy Kenney at the 23Kazoos blog. "Especially if you own a business that requires customers to physically visit your location to make a purchase." If you're looking for cool ways to attract customers to your brick-and-mortar location, ... more
  • Next-Generation Media Consumers Tougher to Reach
    Next-generation media consumers, or "Off the Gridders," are young, educated, and affluent, and they spend less time viewing live TV but more time viewing online and time-shifted premium video content, according to a study by SAY Media. Such tech-savvy consumers are also difficult to reach via traditional broadcast media and ... more
  • Small-Biz Search Ad Growth Slows in 3Q10
    Small-business advertisers spent on average $2,373 on search advertising in the third quarter of 2010, up 43% from the $1,658 spent in the same period a year earlier, and up 6.4% from the $2,231 spent in the second quarter of 2010, according to a WebVisible study based on its small-biz ... more
  • How to Avoid Online Advertising's $1 Billion Mistake
    by Russell Glass
    Although most online campaigns seek to drive conversion-based goals, many still use the click or CTR as the primary metric—mainly because it has been traditionally used to measure success and because it's easy to measure. But that's no excuse for making a mistake that's costing marketers $1 billion a year. more
  • Wal-Mart, Target Among Top 25 Brands for Women
    Female consumers are a powerful force that shape how billions of marketing dollars are spent yearly, and among the most important brands for women are Wal-Mart, Target, and eBay, according to the Women at NBCU Brand Power Index, which measures the top 25 brands most important to women. more
  • Brand Campaigns Drive Most Facebook Likes
    Though search plays an important role in triggering a Facebook user to "like" a brand, fully three in four Facebook fans say they have joined a brand's Facebook page because of a brand invitation or advertising campaign, according to a study by DDB Worldwide and Opinionway Research. more
  • How Tippex Scored a YouTube Hit
    In August, correction-tape brand Tippex launched an attention-grabbing YouTube campaign. Colorfully labeled "NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!," it shows footage of a reluctant hunter faced with shooting a bear creeping up on his camping gear. At video's end, you're left with one of two buttons to push: should he shoot, ... more
  • Smartphone Election: Which States Own What?
    The "gadgetoral" votes are in: The great state of California has the highest per capita ownership of iPhones in the US—casting 83 gadgetoral votes in favor of the device—whereas New Jersey has the highest ownership of Androids, according to a survey from Retrevo. more
  • Email Marketing in the Age of the 'Ultra Managed Inbox'
    For years, writes Stephanie Miller at the Deliverability blog, marketers have enjoyed the linear nature of the email inbox—your newsletters and offers sitting cheek-by-jowl with personal correspondence from a subscriber's friends. But you shouldn't get too comfortable with this privileged arrangement. "The world is changing," Miller says. "A new set of ... more
  • Ownership of Untethered Gadgets Continues to Grow
    Far beyond the desktop, the digital world has expanded to an array of untethered devices: US consumers' adoption of laptop computers, cell phones, and other mobile gadgets continues to increase, while the ownership of desktop computers is gradually declining, according to Pew Research. more
  • Bring Your Fans Home: How to Capitalize on Facebook Fatigue
    by Jessica Shieh
    Is the buzz around Facebook fading? That is just what a couple of recent studies suggest, so perhaps it's time to bring your fans home—back to your website. Marketers should give serious thought to supplementing their social-media strategies with a strong content-driven website. more
  • How to Outbid Bigger Competitors on Google AdWords
    You might think that your small business—say, one with an annual Google AdWords budget of $50,000—has no chance when bidding against larger companies with much deeper pockets. Happily, that just isn't true. "Bidding for keywords on Google is not a straight auction," explains Minda Zetlin at Inc. "Instead, Google multiplies the top ... more
  • Small Biz Report: Social Media Adoption Levels Off
    As small businesses continue to navigate the economic recession, their adoption of innovative marketing technologies such as social media has leveled off, while expectations among those who use social media have changed, according to a study by Network Solutions and the University of Maryland's Smith School of Business. Still, among ... more
  • How to Ensure Your Messages Render Correctly
    You might think you've done your rendering homework, but that might not be the case. "Don't assume that the custom template you tested several months ago is still rendering correctly across all ISPs and Browsers on PCs, Macs, iPads," writes Kimbery Snyder at the Bronto blog. "ISPs are always changing ... more
  • Mobile Proximity Marketing Forecast: $6B by 2015
    Driven by increasing consumer adoption of mobile devices such as the smartphone and iPad, mobile proximity marketing is forecast to reach $760 million in 2011, and swell to nearly $6 billion by 2015, according to a report by Borrell Associates. more
  • The '8Ps' of Buying Triggers
    by Adrian Ott
    Time is today's scarcest resource, and everyone is suffering from attention overload. Many marketers have therefore resorted to just getting louder (literally and figuratively). Rather than pushing (and annoying) customers, one way to break through the cacophony is via triggers that redirect customer behavior. more
  • US Ad Market Strengthens, Auto Sector Rebounds
    Though the path toward recovery has been slower in the US than in most regional ad markets, the trend is positive: US advertisers spent an estimated $54 billion during the first half of 2010, up 3.8% from the same period a year earlier, driven by discretionary ad spending categories such ... more
  • Four Steps to SEO-Friendly Content
    "You have a great website. It has beautiful images, a compelling theme and intuitive navigation, all designed to take eager visitors to complete descriptions of your proprietary products and services," writes Tami Wessley at Whole Brain Marketing. "The only problem is your website shows up somewhere after page 10 on ... more
  • Most Americans Have Found TV Commercials Confusing
    Regardless of age, roughly three-quarters of Americans (75%) say they have found a commercial on television confusing and 21% say they often find TV commercials confusing, according to a Harris Poll. more
  • Mobile Report: Browsing, Social Networking Up; Android Surges
    More than one-third of US mobile subscribers (34.5%) browsed the mobile Web as of August 2010, up 2.6 percentage points (PPs) from the previous three-month average, while 22.5% accessed social networking sites or blogs, up 1.7 PPs, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service. more
  • Online Searchers Swayed by Images, Multiple Brand Appearances
    When searching for products and services online, appearance matters: 48% of search engine users say they are more likely to click on a search result if it includes an image and 53% are more likely to click if a company name or brand appears multiple times on the search engine ... more
  • Seven Types of Smartphone Apps Driving Mobile Market
    Seven categories of mobile applications are expected to dominate the mobile market over the next four years: email, games, social networking, instant messaging, mapping and directions, music and radio, and weather apps, together will account for an estimated 7 billion downloads worldwide by 2014, according to research from In-Stat. more
  • Five Ways Deep Links Help SEO
    Worried that your website's inbound deep links—links to site pages other than your homepage or other top-level pages—are distracting visitors from your main advertising or branding page? Or that visitors following these links don't always realize they are on your site (as opposed to the site that linked to you)? Not ... more

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