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Marketing Articles: Sales

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  • Four Ways to Increase Clicks With a P.S.
    How do you read a casual email from a friend? In all likelihood, you scan it to get the general idea, write a quick reply and click back to your inbox. But what if—below her sign-off—she adds a P.S.? "Suddenly, she's got your attention," writes Sid Smith in an article at ... more
  • Mobile Marketing: Three Strategic Approaches to Success [Video]
    by Christina "CK" Kerley
    Between next-generation smartphones, tricked-out apps, and celebrity-filled Siri commercials, it's easy to look at mobile as a set of breakthrough devices, tools, and channels. But that's not the lens through which marketers should be viewing mobile. more
  • Four Tips for a Stronger Call to Action
    If your email marketing campaign doesn't generate the kind of ROI you expect, take a look at your typical call to action (CTA). Does it tell a customer how to take the next step? Does it create a sense of urgency? "When your audience is left with no direction and no ... more
  • How Photography and Online Video Influence Customer Purchasing Behavior
    by Brad Tuckman
    Photography and video have an immense impact on customers' purchasing behavior because they enable customers to visually connect with products before they buy. Learn how compelling visual content can help drive sales. more
  • Four Steps to Incorporating Social Media at Consumer Touch Points
    In April, the McKinsey Quarterly published "Demystifying Social Media" for businesses. The article illustrates how using social media right can enable "targeted marketing responses at individual touch points along the consumer decision journey." Here are four steps to take to meet consumers along the way and achieve social touch-point engagement: Monitor. Make learning what's said about ... more
  • Three Key Steps to Take to Prepare for Marketing Automation
    In a guest post at the Modern B2B Marketing blog, Joby Blume shares his lessons learned about implementing marketing automation in a B2B setting. First and foremost, he says, it's important to have a well-defined marketing process in place before adding any tech. "If you don't have a marketing process, marketing ... more
  • Is Public Speaking Part of Your Marketing Mix?
    You've got a strong marketing mix—but does it include public speaking? "Whether used to promote a company report or in-house expertise, or simply to engender brand awareness, public speaking is a powerful—and often economical and organic—way to get your message to key influencers and decision-makers," writes Heather Rast at MarketingProfs. ... more
  • Why Lead Scores Should Have Expiration Dates
    It became immediately apparent to Howard J. Sewell that something was terribly wrong with his client's lead scoring system. "The most glaring symptom was the absurdly high scores: hundreds of contacts had lead scores of more than 1,000, even though the supposed threshold for a sales-ready lead was a mere ... more
  • How Personas Can Lead Your Messaging Astray (and Four Tips for Keeping It on Track)
    by Tim Riesterer
    Do you think a prospect responds better to your marketing message because you've based it on a customer persona? Unfortunately, that is not the case. To craft effective messaging, you need to address four essential questions. more
  • 12 Ways to Strengthen Your Call to Action
    by Leigh Dow
    Creating a great call to action that gets results can be tricky, unless you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Here are 12 essential tips for optimizing your calls to action to ensure they compel potential customers to act. more
  • Don't Be a Lead Killer: Three Ways to Keep Sales Leads Alive
    by Al Davidson
    Despite their critical contribution to a business, sales reps can often get in their own way. Here are three of the biggest ways sales reps kill leads—and three solutions that'll help turn prospects into customers. more
  • Five Tips for Using Your iPad on Sales Calls
    These days, B2B sales teams are carrying their product demos, order forms, cool presentations—you name it—with them in handy tablet form. And the tablet of choice is often the iPad. Dealmaker 365 blogger Donal Daly has been using the iPad on sales calls since the first model was introduced—and over time, ... more
  • What's Your Lead Gen Weakness?
    How would you rate your company's all-around lead gen game? "Some companies are good at generating B2B sales leads [and] others are good at qualifying and closing those leads," writes Christopher Ryan at Great B2B Marketing, "but the top performing companies are those that leverage B2B lead management techniques and ... more
  • So I Have a Marketing Automation System... Now What?
    by Adam Blitzer
    Marketing automation systems offer a veritable multitude of capabilities. But don't let all those features overwhelm you. Learn five ways to jump-start your marketing automation strategy without getting stressed out. more
  • B2B Companies Ramping Up Data-Driven Marketing
    B2B marketers recognize the need for a data-driven approach to marketing and fully eight in ten (80%) say they are spending more time and resources on critical marketing metrics in 2012, according to a survey from Pardot. more
  • Engagement Energy: 10 Ways to Power Up Sales and Marketing to Capture Attention and Drive Action
    by Deb Rapacz
    Imagine having a switch that activates your buyer's brain and gets her to pay attention to what you say—and to take action. Learn how "engagement energy" can help you craft stronger sales and marketing messages that get results. more
  • Four Ways to Improve the Lead-to-Sales Handoff
    by Kathy Rizzo
    Improving the lead-to-sales handoff at your company—and setting lead follow-up guidelines—can significantly boost ROI and help close Sales. Learn four invaluable handoff techniques you should be implementing. more
  • Four Rules for Creating Insightful Personas [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    Though buyer personas loaded with biographical details might help salespeople manage relationships, they don't really help marketers segment and target B2B leads. To get the most marketing bang from your buyer persona buck, buyer personas must do four things. more
  • Top B2B Firms Gaining 230% More Leads via Social Media Than Peers
    Best-in-Class B2B companies generate on average 17% of their leads from social media channels, roughly 230% more marketing-generated leads than other companies (5%), according to a new report by Aberdeen Group, which examines the social marketing strategies of top-performing B2B companies. more
  • B2B Sales and Marketing Lack Tools for Effective Selling Conversations
    B2B salespeople spend roughly two-thirds of their time selling in virtual environments—via the Web and telephone—yet most companies haven't adapted their sales skills or content marketing tools to deal with this new reality, according to a new report by Corporate Visions. more
  • How to Get Your Products on Mass Retailers' Shelves
    by Vanessa Ting
    You have a good product and great branding, but how do you get the buyers of large retailers to notice your brand? Here are four effective ways to be resourceful when trying to get your product on store shelves. more
  • Five Tips for Creating a Winning Lead Gen Strategy
    "Lead generation is hard," writes Cliff Langston at MarketingProfs. "Why make it harder by doing it without a strategy?" But vague goals and loosely articulated objectives aren't enough—it's important to document what you plan to do, and how you plan to do it. Especially since you can craft a solid ... more
  • The Inside Scoop on Becoming a Good Public Speaker
    by Heather Rast
    Public speaking is a powerful way to get your message to key influencers and decision-makers. Want to be a sought-after speaker? Learn what it takes to master the organizational and marketing side of public speaking. more
  • Four Good Reasons to Attend an In-Person Event [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    When you hear about an out-of-town conference you'd like to attend, the cost-benefit analysis can be intense. Is attending an in-person event worth your time and money? Here are four reasons the answer is yes. more
  • B2B Marketing Tactics Not Driving Enough Sales Leads
    Some 61% of B2B marketers say generating more leads is their biggest marketing challenge in 2012; however, nearly two-thirds say their marketing mix does not meet sales pipeline demands (32%) or they are unsure of whether their marketing mix is effective (31%), according to a new report by BtoB Online ... more

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