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  • Paid Video Viewing on Tablets, Phones Up; Viewing via Computers Down
    As paid video content becomes more available via different channels, tablet and wireless phone viewing of paid video has increased from 2011 levels, while viewing via PC/Mac has decreased, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 US Residential Pay-to-View Study. more
  • How to Segment for Maximum Relevance
    It's easy to send "just one email with the same content to everyone in your database," writes Matthew Johnson at the Vision6 blog. "But how do you send that same email and make it relevant to everyone in your database?" The short answer is: You can't. And that's why you need conditional ... more
  • How to Boost Your Blog's Readership
    Are your blog analytics looking a little anemic? To put some zing in your listless blog and boost readership, consider these five ideas, inspired by Joe Chernov's Eloqua blog post, "Six Sure-fire, Can't Miss Ways to Increase Blog Views." Publish original content only. Doing so helps establish your blog—and your business—as ... more
  • Five Tips for Case-Study Videos That Get Results
    We have short attention spans, and we don't have a ton of time to learn. Plus, the success models of companies like Kickstarter make it clear that the case-study video plays a pivotal role in today's business success stories. So how do you make a crowd-pleaser video that gets real results? ... more
  • How to Surf SEO's Ever-Changing Wave With Your Content [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    If SEO had one rule, it would be that the rules can change at any moment. And Google's newest algorithm changes—Panda and Penguin—have sunk many an SEO program. So how can you survive Google's algorithm riptide? more
  • Dull, Irrelevant Content Hampering B2B Lead Gen Success
    Only one in five B2B marketing and sales professionals (20%) say their demand generation campaigns are fully effective, whereas 80% say they are ineffective to semi-ineffective, according to a survey from Corporate Visions. more
  • Marketing Videos: Tips to Grab and Hold Viewer Attention
    Simple truth: You might create the best marketing videos around, but if you can't convince users to stop and click, your work is all for naught. And although Web videos have become extremely popular, there are still countless potential viewers who choose not to watch them. (Just think: Someone could be ... more
  • Brands Failing to Tap Potential of Social Media
    Despite the widespread use of social networks among US companies, only 11% have fully integrated social media into existing business programs, according to a study by InSites Consulting. Moreover, only 38% of companies say they share the outcomes of social interactions with the entire organization. more
  • Have You Sat Down with Your Customer Lately? Patrick Schaber and Joe Sorge on Marketing Smarts
    by Matthew Grant
    Whether you are selling complex technical systems or burgers with fried pickles on them—like my guests in this week's Marketing Smarts—you need to understand your customers and interact with them face-to-face. more
  • Make Your Story 22 Times More Memorable
    A fact wrapped in a story is 22 times more memorable than the mere pronouncement of that fact, according to cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner, as cited in an Insight Demand presentation. To help your content linger in the minds of readers—who are your potential prospects, after all—remember the following six ... more
  • Four Questions B2Bs Need to Ask About Content Marketing [Infographic]
    by Jonathan Gebauer
    ExploreB2B (with the help of CMI and MarketingProfs) has put together an Infographic that answers the "Why, What, How, and Where" of B2B content marketing. more
  • A Holistic Approach to Content and SEO Strategy: Lee Odden on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
    by Matthew Grant
    What does it mean to have a holistic approach to content marketing and SEO? Since that's precisely what Lee Odden calls for in his new book, that's exactly what I asked him in this episode of Marketing Smarts. more
  • Four Ways to Increase Clicks With a P.S.
    How do you read a casual email from a friend? In all likelihood, you scan it to get the general idea, write a quick reply and click back to your inbox. But what if—below her sign-off—she adds a P.S.? "Suddenly, she's got your attention," writes Sid Smith in an article at ... more
  • The Easiest Way to Be Successful in Social: Jay Baer Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
    by Matthew Grant
    In this week's episode of Marketing Smarts, author and social media strategist Jay Baer explains why the easiest way to be successful in social is to "be social about content instead of being social about your company." more
  • Create Colorful Visual Content―Without Busting Your Budget
    The growing popularity of visual content platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram shows that people crave eye candy. But do companies need to hire expensive graphic designers or buy expensive software to create visual content? Not at all. Businesses of all sizes can craft inexpensive visual content that engages current ... more
  • Four Tips for a Stronger Call to Action
    If your email marketing campaign doesn't generate the kind of ROI you expect, take a look at your typical call to action (CTA). Does it tell a customer how to take the next step? Does it create a sense of urgency? "When your audience is left with no direction and no ... more
  • Most Online Video Watched Is Now Premium, Long-Form Content
    Long-form content—defined as videos lasting longer than 10 minutes—accounted for more than one-half of the total time people spent watching online video across all connected devices in the first quarter of 2012, up from 25% six months earlier, according to Ooyala's Global Video Index Report. more
  • F-Bombs, Tax Audits, and Marketing Smarts Live in Miami [Podcast]
    by Matthew Grant
    In this week's Marketing Smarts podcast, Summer Joy Boone, director of assimilation and social media at a Florida church, and Janet K. Altman, principal and marketing director at the second largest accounting firm in Florida, offer unique perspectives on a host of marketing topics. more
  • Content Marketing's Three E's
    Just as education has its three R's (reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic), content marketing has its three E's: engage, educate, and earn. Or so writes Zach Michonski in his Brafton blog article, "The Three E's of Successful Content Marketing." Those E's make it easy for businesses to remember the most important ... more
  • Four Mistakes That Could Damage Your Online Reputation [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    To attract customers, you spend hours creating content, blogging, tweeting, and replying to comments. But a few unprofessional missteps could damage your online reputation—and send customers straight to your competitors. more
  • Why You Might Need a Brand Journalist to Tell Your Story
    Telling ordinary, made-up stories isn't what makes your content marketing engaging for your customers and would-be customers. What matters is telling interesting true stories that help your audience understand your product, service, or business. So, to help your company unearth real-life stories from within your organization, ... more
  • Four Tips for Subject-Line Success
    Even experienced email marketers agonize over subject lines—polishing, editing, tweaking, and perfecting 50-character phrases until they're just right. After all, a single word can make the difference between a subscriber's indifference and interest. So how do you get recipients to open your messages? In this post at Mass Transmit, Anthony Schneider outlines ... more
  • Mobile Marketing: A Three-Step Framework for Integrating Mobile Into the Marketing Mix [Video]
    by Christina "CK" Kerley
    Ah... mobile mania. It's everywhere. Whether your target audience is B2B or B2C, your marketing needs to go mobile. Here's a three-step framework to help marketers effectively integrate mobile into the marketing mix. more
  • What Gardening Can Teach You About Keyword Plans
    What can gardening techniques teach you about growing a keyword plan? Quite a lot, it turns out. "When you plant seedlings, you need to plant them in groups according to how much sun they need and how aerated the soil should be," writes Jenny Halasz at Search Engine Land. "You ... more
  • Four Typical Weaknesses of Case Studies [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    Case studies are meant to satisfy every professional's voyeuristic impulse—each an inspirational opportunity to observe the secret process that took a company from challenge to success. But just how useful are they? more

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