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by Suzanne Lowe
Recently I attended the Boston chapter meeting of the PM
The topic was using the Internet to market a professional services firm. One of the session's speakers, Paul Dunay, the Director of Global Field Marketing for who also writes his own , made a comment that I found simply astounding. ...
by Lee MarcStein
It's my theory that MOST of the people who respond to direct marketing efforts are optimists
by Eric Ward
Last week's Link Whore really made me re-think
At what point does a link-building tactic make the leap from acceptable to not? When does white hat become black hat? Or gray hat? Or
And who is to say what is acceptable and what isn't? What works is what's acceptable, and ...
by Jim Kukral
Value. It's such a subjective
What you consider valuable, others may not, and vice versa. The only way to really level the playing field is to agree upon a decided definition of the term. Easier said then
In this case, , the 800 lb. gorilla of search wants you to ...
by Ted Mininni
The premise: if our business leaders are expected to become creative thinkers, problem solvers and innovators to keep their companies ahead of ever-intensifying global competition, won't an understanding of design (problem solving) processes serve them well?
by Gerry McGovern
When you get frustrated by the pressures of managing a website, look back five years. You've achieved a
I meet many people who are discouraged by the performance of their websites. It seems that there are a whole range of things to be fixed. There is constant pressure to put ...
by Elaine Fogel
Somewhere in the back rooms of advertising agencies, newspapers, and other publications, lie a slew of under-appreciated
They're the proofreaders and editors of the marketing world. We often don't know their names, but they are very valuable in the scheme of things. The copywriters and authors get the recognition, but ...
by Jonathan Kranz
Here at the Daily Fix and throughout the Internet, there's been tons of
...built on one increasing Web traffic. I think it's time to step back from the hype and review the situation. What works and what doesn't? I hope lots of people will leap in, but for starters, I ...
by Eric Kintz
When I hear marketers talk about marketing experiments in the blogosphere, they almost always refer to English-speaking, US-centric
The wake up call for me was " Dave Sifry's post on the state of the blogosphere, April 2006, in which he clearly demonstrates the growing international nature of the
Out of ...
by Sara Holoubek
Last week, my dad sent me a video from
"Whoa, who told my dad about YouTube?" I thought. Even if he is not tagging content, let alone uploading his own videos (yet), this is a milestone in my interactive history
A few weeks ago I blogged on the of whether ...
by William Arruda
The sense of smell is the most powerful sense we
...when it comes to evoking memories -- and many hotel chains and retail companies are using the sense of smell as a tool for building consistent, memorable brand
I just read in that Japanese movie theatres are using 'scene-synchronized scents' ...
by Jim Lenskold
As if marketing measurements weren't complex enough, marketers are now using brain scans to determine the effectiveness of their ads–
by Ted Mininni
"If you've ever wondered why your company just doesn't seem to connect with today's customer, tune in and get ready to be enlightened and entertained".
by David Armano
Looking outside of your immediate industry provides both insight and
I recently attended IIT's Strategy '06 . Big deal right? We all go to conferences. What's different is that it's not really a conference about marketing. The audience of Strategy '06 is mainly composed of product designers, creative problem solvers, ...
by Lee MarcStein
Gravy isn't good for your arteries, but it is good for direct marketing efforts. It bubbles up naturally from your "cooking."
by Laurel Delaney
Global business books. Here are my top
1. The World Is A Brief History of the Twenty-first by Thomas L.
2. The Next Global The Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless by Kenichi
3. The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and ...
by Jonathan Kranz
Often when I see or read an ad, I try to "reverse engineer" the creative
...that resulted in the finished campaign before my eyes. As a veteran of countless, purgatorial hours of "creative" sessions, I don't find it difficult to imagine the conversations and counter proposals at these
Take the ...
by Ann Handley
David and I met for the first time in the support group Bloggers
...but we've broken our code of confidentially and agreed to take our confessions public. Our goal here is not to embarrass or ridicule, but to help others like ourselves through their own
10. You check your blog ...
by John Jantsch
The number one reason business owners name for holding off on blogging is
...fear of a wildly out-of-control public waking up everyday with one thing in to post filthy rotten lies on your blog about you, your company, your products and occasionally, your beloved pet retriever. I mean that's what ...
by Mack Collier
Have you noticed how easy it is to your favorite music these
Napster just switched to a 'free' business model, they will let you listen to any song in their catalog online, free for 5 plays. After that you have to buy it if you want to hear it
Tower ...
by Michael Perla
Strategy can be both a complicated and straightforward subject to
It can be both clarifying and confusing. In an article I wrote this week for the Web site and newsletter, I tried to sum it up in about 3000 words .... not an easy
As Mark Twain is reported to ...
by Roy Young
Marketers speak a language that is neither nor to other
So it's no wonder that marketing is misunderstood and underappreciated in most organizations. Let's address now; relevancy is for another
Consider the most overused word in "strategy." When marketers use the word in your organization, what do they
Would they ...
by Andrea Learned
Women are looking for common
Their relational brains need a starting point from which to launch a possible long term connection with your brand. So, the question are you laying the groundwork for this to
Do the stories told and images used in your marketing materials result in a familiar ...
by Roy Young
Knowing your blogger type and what type of blogs your company uses for marketing will go a long
...to understanding the marketing can contribute by using
In his new book titled Blog , Jeremy Wright identifies seven types of
The knows the right people and
The like the Barber but ...
by Tig Tillinghast
Working in online ads for the last decade or so, I've seen lots of market segments start to take advantage of online advertising
-- sometimes proactively, more often as a competitive reaction. What's always fascinated me most, though, were the categories that hadn't yet
Sometimes this tardiness stems from the ...