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- As if the cost of gas alone wasn't enough to make your gut gurgle and grumble, now... gasp... the pumps are equipped with little television monitors blaring ads at you while you pump your hard-earned dollars into your After breakfast with this morning, I headed across the street to the ... more
- The and and the overwhelming attention given to its introduction leads me to Are we becoming less human as we gravitate more and more toward Is the cell phone better for humanity now that its multi-faceted features allow us to live within its fascination, removing us from the environment in ... more
- Yesterday was the MarketingProfs virtual seminar, Hitchhiker's Guide to the A Marketer's Tour of Second . Fellow Digitasian John and I, with help from MProfs maven Ann , led more than 200 marketers on a wild whirl through the We focused on three key well-trafficked ingidenous Second Life sims (in ... more
- A 2006 survey of 143 women by Women in , a professional networking organization in San Jose, California, found that 66 percent of those surveyed had launched firms that focus on marketing -- from public relations to brand management. Turns out that marketing is a strong draw for Francesca Di ... more
- Back in the '50s, Gerhard Wiebe asked the question "Why can't you sell brotherhood like you sell soap?" and thus the field of social was born.* This question has formed the basis of wide-ranging efforts addressing issues like preventing youth , promoting , staving off bacterial infections from , stopping ... more
- Scuttlebutt has it that Whole opened its latest supermarket just before the holidays in North Dallas with a full-service spa–so customers can get off the merry-go-round for a brief respite in the midst of their busy Think of WF is offering customers the ultimate pampering... a choice of various kinds ... more
- Has Second Life peaked? Gartner analyst Steve Prentice recently predicted a in Second Life hype, followed by a stablization and eventual trend toward sustainable in this burgeoning Meanwhile, bloggers and other social media sorts have been debating whether Second Life is so... well, Digitas's Greg Verdino suspects that he might ... more
- Foolish you. If you won't listen to "who's he to tell us" guys like me, at least take a hint from the famous Mr. Peter Drucker, who said, Business has only two functions -- marketing and Still not convinced? Then check this According to a just-published article in eMarketer entitled ... more
- As we close out 2006, one thing I've noticed is that today's technology seems to help men embrace their supposed "feminine" brain traits for connecting without being considered You've likely experienced the women don't phenomenon to some degree. But women aren't necessarily the only ones with empathic brain traits driving ... more
- In the new year, what is your global strategy? Your answer is a decision that reflects an analysis of market potential, company capabilities, and the degree of marketing involvement and commitment your management team is prepared to And since strategy drives how we react and address the business issues we ... more
- Imagine the following situation. A man sees an attractive woman at a party. They talk and decide to have a few dates. After giving all the right signals for being a loyal, caring, trustworthy and relationship-oriented guy, he convinces her to spend the night. The next day he is gone ... more
- A Jackson Pollock painting is auctioned and sold in November 2006 for $140m. Michael Graves' teakettle 9093 sells briskly for $145, while its limited edition predecessor sells for $25,000. Al Yeganeh's seafood soup sells for $30 a quart. What gives and what do all these examples have in Perusing the ... more
- It seems to be that searching the web is getting stranger and stranger. Oh, not because of the various sites you might run across, but because is now taking over the world as the most prestigious and informative Go ahead, type in marketing, or finance, or philosoply, cooking, or even ... more
- We are entering the anticipation zone for 2007 Superbowl Ads, and I'm wondering how a brand can really do something that gets attention. Shall we turn our attention to consumer-generated ideas and new media First, let's The New York media columnist, Stuart Elliott, wrote a helpful article on the good, ... more
- Alright, I'm a big boy and I've long since learned that the mainstream media will almost always regard direct marketing with condescension. (Rare Malcolm Gladwell's brilliant 2001 profile of Ron in the New Traditional brand advertising earns grudging respect for the occasional commercial that bows before Baby Boomer vanity (Chiat's ... more