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by Laura Forer
The retail shipping process isn't always smooth, and a bad delivery experience can prevent customers from becoming repeat purchasers. But marketers can take steps to improve the delivery and shipping experiences and keep customers coming back.
by Lucy Jones
What if, rather than thinking of your blog as a chore on a to-do list, you were to view it as a savings account, with each post a long-term investment that generates increasing traffic and relevant leads?
by Mike Weimar
We know a good tradeshow display when we see one: It's usually the booth attracting a ton of visitors and leads. Sure, success depends on more than just display design, but design helps you stand out in a sea of exhibitors.
by Barry Feldman
Push marketing. Pull marketing. Content marketing. Social selling. Sales enablement. All are in the playbook that Marketing and Sales use to grow the business via digital channels. Here's what content marketers need to know about their role.
by Keith Jones
Once Marketing hands off leads to Sales, it's often assumed the marketer's job is done. But to close sales, Marketing and Sales must be in alignment during the entire buyer's journey.
by Ayaz Nanji
Two-thirds of B2B marketers say they are conducting content-enabled campaigns—digital campaigns in which content is the primary value offer rather than a product/service—according to recent research from SnapApp and Demand Gen Report.
by Scott Salkin
Could a network of partners be your ticket to accelerated growth and market expansion? If so, where do you start? How do you build a solid partner ecosystem and ensure it's functioning as it should?
by Ray Kingman
As marketing moves toward personalization (a trend made inevitable by mobile), it's clear that behavior isn't the Holy Grail many thought it was. After all, isn't it much more valuable to know who your customers are, rather than draw inferences from behavior?
by Cassie Nelson
Here's an overview of the three main steps, along with a few quick tips, for creating your next successful webinar.
by Jenn Horowitz
More isn't always better. Large call volume could be the result of telecom spam and fraud, faulty routing, or an inefficient marketing strategy that's eating into your ROI.
by Jignesh Shah
Don't spam your contact database with generic holiday email greetings; they will be ignored, your time will have been wasted, and your brand will lose credibility. Instead, make your efforts count. Here's how.
by Jon Miller
Account-based marketing is built on six processes that flip the focus from generating leads to courting the companies you want to do business with. An added benefit: total sales and marketing alignment.
by Jenny Beightol
Traffic, acquisition, and sales have been critical priorities for marketers. Yet customer retention also plays a key role, though it is often neglected. Consider these marketing and retention trends and ideas as you finalize plans for the coming year.
by Vahe Habeshian
In their lead generation efforts, successful B2B marketers use a combination of platforms and channels in their marketing mix to engage and influence prospects and convert them to buyers.
by Dan Stelter
What really motivates buyers to act? When using content, many B2B companies struggle to engage buyers. Here are eight engagement tactics that work, according to research, but marketers use them too infrequently.
by Marcus Schaller
At what point does a buyer persona mutate from a useful marketing tool into a meaningless collection of bullet points, stock headshots, and random guesses? Here's what we really need to know about our prospects to motivate them to respond.
by Verónica Jarski
Consumers have high expectations of retailers during this holiday season. Here's a look at what they want and ideas for meeting their expectations.
by Harsh Jawharkar
The step of the customer journey between the purchase and the delivery of a product is incredibly valuable. It's the New Moment of Truth, a critical touchpoint that can make or break a customer's loyalty.
by Shawn Cabral
The digital, multi-device era has disrupted traditional brand storytelling—fragmenting story plots and making genuine engagement rare. But here's how brands can still tell captivating stories that bridge channels and devices.
by Courtney Danyel
People often use Facebook Events to connect and meet up in the real world. So why not marketers? Facebook can help promote your in-person events—which are among the most effective B2B marketing tactics you can use.
by Verónica Jarski
A whopping $8.4B is going to be spent on Halloween this year. So, check out these tips and tricks to capture those treats (and to plan some tricks for next year).
by Brad Zomick
Sales and marketing professionals primarily focused on customer acquisition often overlook one important area of sales potential: cross-selling and upselling to current customers.
by Steve Bernstein
Positive word-of-mouth (WOM) has long been documented as a powerful growth tool. The good news: unlike our B2C brethren, we B2B marketers can strategically manage WOM. Here are three ways to ensure word-of-mouth skews positive.
by Sanjay Castelino
Today's demand generation manager requires a different skill set from old-school managers'. To find the right person for this evolved role, you'll need to make sure he or she has these crucial skills.
by Marcia Yudkin
You don't have to do the verbal equivalent of dressing up in a burger suit and jumping up and down at passing cars. You can give your sales page copy some rhythm and oomph with these more subtle jazzifying moves.